Bitcoin 2008 financial crisis

bitcoin 2008 financial crisis

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How The 2008 Market Crash Led To Bitcoin - Financial Crisis - Causes and Effects [Animated]
It only took 13 years for crypto to recreate the same kind of financial crisis it was designed to prevent. Here's how it (almost) all went down. Bitcoin was created after the financial crisis, which sowed widespread distrust in the banking system. Early proponents trumpeted the new. The idea probably came into effect due to Satoshi's dissatisfaction with the existing financial system. Satoshi wanted Bitcoin to be a currency.
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There was an overall financialization going on. In this vision, it would be more like a niche hobby among a small minority of followers, rather than entering our living rooms through television advertising in an effort to draw in retail investors. It is very tempting to see him as timidly lurking behind this or to detect in the promises of crypto a realization of the denationalization of money. Ultimately, the state is able to do that at any point in time, unlike the banks, which are operating in a slightly more complicated context. Noelle Acheson.